Its accuracy and optical resolution may be influenced by atmospheric absorption bands . 它的精密度和光学分辨力将受大气中吸收频带的影响。
Optics and photonics - medical endoscopes and endotherapy devices - determination of optical resolution of rigid endoscopes with optics 光学和光子学.医用内窥镜和内疗器件.刚性光学内窥镜的光学分辨率测定
Our cg - series spectrometers use our proprietary grating to provide a 200 - 1100 nm range . excellent optical resolution across broad spectral range Cg系列分光计采用特用光栅,精度在200 - 1100纳米间。在较宽的光谱频域上都具有卓越的光分辨率。
Herein the synthesis and optical resolution of inherently chiral calixarenes and their applications in enantioselective recognition and asymmetric catalysis are reviewed 本文综述了固有手性杯芳烃的合成、光学拆分及其在手性识别和不对称催化领域的应用。